Apprentice and Trainee FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

All your questions should have an answer here. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

  • When do applications open?

    There is typically one apprentice intake every year with applications commencing in August.

  • How many apprentices does Camco offer?

    Camco offers a minimum of 8 opportunities per year – 7+ in Perth and 1+ in the Pilbara.

  • Is there an age restriction?

    Yes – if you are in high school and over the age of 15 and have parent approval.

    Mature age applicants are encouraged to apply.

  • How long does the application process take?

    The application process takes approximately 2-3 months from when the intake is open.

  • I’ve never had a job before, can I still apply?

    Yes! To be successful you don’t need to have a job previously. A personal reference will help you with an application.

  • I’ve applied, what happens now?

    Shortlisted candidates will phone screened and successful applicants will be invited to attend a face-to-face interview.

    Unfortunately, due to a high volume of applicants, only candidates who are shortlisted for a phone screen will be contacted.

  • What happens if I am unsuccessful?

    If you have been shortlisted and are unsuccessful, Camco will notify of this you via email or phone.